Monday, May 3, 2010

The U.S. struggles against the Communist in Vietnam

1. Now think about the overall picture - how the strengths and weaknesses work together.

a) Were the armies finely balanced or was the balance strongly weighted to one side or the other?

From the reading I have found that they were equally balanced because the Communists knew the technic of Guerrilla Warfare and though many were killed while being a part of the Viet Cong they still had the upper hand and were able to kill many U.S. troops. However America had bombs that they could drop and knew the method of search and destroy.

b) Which quality was most important in determining who won the war? Was one feature so important that being ahead in that area meant that other advantages or disadvantages did not matter?

I believe that propaganda was the most important in determining who won the war because if it had not been for American and British propaganda then American troops might have not gotten in as much if any trouble for killing all the innocent civilians.

2. Now write up your answer. Use this structure:
a. The U.S. weaknesses were:
they couldn't tell the differences between the civilians and the Viet Cong thus killing innocent people.
b. At the same time, the Communist strengths were:
that they used Guerrilla tactics which helped them because they never gave up even if a bunch of men died and wouldn't retreat unless attacked.
c. The U.S. forces did have some successes. For example:
with bombs they could disrupt the North Vietnam's supply routes. Also they used chemical bombs which was to much the same affect as the regular bombs.
d. However, there were some major failures as well. Examples of these were:
the My Lai massacre of an innocent town where mostly women, children and the elderly were killed which was a very large mistake for the Americans.
e. The Viet Cong had some major successes, such as:
using the Guerrilla tactics because they helped the Viet Cong with all of their battles.
f. However, they also suffered defeats, for example:
the Tet Offensive because the Communists wanted the people of South Vietnam would rise up and join them but they didn't do that at all and the Viet Cong lost 10,000 fighers and was badly weakened.
g. If I had to identify one major American weakness, it would be lack of better military tactics because:
if they had better tactics such as the Guerrilla tactics and could not be so obvious that they are American troops and used the element of surprise.
h. The key Viet Cong strength was the Guerrilla tactics because:
they used them as an element of surprise and they could blend in with civilians which most likely helped many of the Viet Cong survive because they could point their fingers at the civilians.

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