Sunday, November 1, 2009

Spanish-American War

1. What connections did the U.S. have to Cuba in the late 1800s? List at least two.
The U.S. needed Cuba as one of its primary trading markets.
Also $50 million of Americas money was from Cuba because of the island's sugar industry.

2. What were the Spanish “reconcentration camps”?
Lacked adequate food, housing, and sanitation. Disease and starvation took a terrible toll, killing many thousands.

3. List three reasons why the United States went to war with Spain in Cuba.
a.The newspapers swaying the vote of the public against Spain.

b.The Spanish ambassador insulted President McKinley in Letter de Lome.

c.The explosion of the U.S.S. Maine.

4. Which do you believe was the most important reason? Why?
I believe that the newspapers were the main reason because they were the ones swaying the public so much and the public had a lot of a say because the people at higher powers want to be on the side of the public and so they would do what they can do to please them.

5. What did the Teller Amendment say?
That the US didn't have a want in controlling Cuba after the war was over.

6. Why was a portion of the Spanish-American War fought in the Philippines?
Because it caught the Spanish by surprise when they were expecting the majority of the war to be faught in Cuba.

7. Dewey’s victory in the battle in Manila sparked an outpouring of pride in the United States.

8. Why did Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders want to fight in Cuba?
Because they could just get supplies from Florida which is close to Cuba.

9. a. Why were many African-Americans eager to serve in the Spanish-American War?
To elevate the status of blacks in the US.

b. What forms of discrimination and prejudice did they encounter?
They were denied the promotion into the officer corps.

10. How did racism influence American perceptions of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines? Give two examples of events where racism affected U.S. policy after the war.

a.Because the Americans were racists against the Blacks which looked like the Cubans, Puerto Ricans and the Filipinos.

b. Because the racial stereotypes of the day made it seem that these countries could be a force for progress.

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